An export declaration must be submitted to CBSA before your goods arrive at the border.
It is often required for controlled and regulated goods. These goods also require permits and licences for export.
You may notice that an export declaration is NOT REQUIRED to the US. This is because Canada and the US already share information on imports and exports.
Export declarations are used by the government to:
- Control the export of regulated and controlled goods
- Collect statistical information about Canada’s export
Types of Goods
United States Destinations
(Includes Puerto Rice and U.S. Virgin Islands)
All Other Destinations
(Includes Goods Moving Through the United States to Foreign Destinations)
Restricted Goods, I.E. Controlled, Regulated and Prohibited Goods (Regardless of Value)
Permit, Certificate, or Licence Documents Required by Other Government Departments (If Applicable)
Export Declaration is Not Required
Permit, Certificate, or Licence Documents Required by Other Government Departments (If Applicable)
Export Declaration
Non-Restricted Goods
Export Declaration IS NOT Required
Export Declaration
(For Commercial Goods Valued at CAN $2,000 or More)