Your customs broker will submit documents to the CBSA using one of the Following methods:
Canadian Automated Export Declaration (CAED)
CAED is used to electronically submit export documents directly to the government of Canada. It is available free to use for both exporters and their customs brokers.
An application must be filled out before you can access the software.
Any Exceptions?
Yes, certain goods require an additional printed copy of the export declaration and any additional documents.
This applies to controlled and regulated goods exported as food traveling through the United States before reaching their final destination.
G7 Electronic Data Interchange
EDI is another method of submitting your export documents electronically. Exporters and customs brokers who already use CAED can register to take part in EDI.
Paper copies are no longer needed when using EDI to submit documents. This system allows the exporters and customs brokers to easily exchange information if the buyer of the good.
B13 Export Declaration
EDI is another method of submitting your export documents electronically. Exporters and customs brokers who already use CAED can register to take part in EDI.
Paper copies are no longer needed when using EDI to submit documents. This system allows the exporters and customs brokers to easily exchange information if the buyer of the good.
Summary Reporting
Summary Reporting is a method granted by CBSA to exporters that ship low-risk goods on an ongoing basis.
This allows Canadian exporters to submit their export data after the goods have been exported on a monthly basis in writing to CBSA.
Only non-restricted and non-regulated goods are eligible for Summary Reporting.